Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

VACANCY E&I Construction Supervisors ; Assistent Commissioning Manager E&I @ Warri Nigeria

We are looking for:

1. E&I Construction Supervisors (mesti pengalaman supervisor minimal 8thn)
2. Assistent Commissioning Manager E&I (sama seperti diatas minimal 8thn)

  • English has absolutely to be fluent without accent
  • Has to have at least 8 years vast experience in the position they are applying for
  • They have to have experience abroad, preferably in Nigeria, in thelast years

Three items as mentioned above have to relate with your experiences.

This for Barge renovating Project In Warri Nigeria
These are the project terms:

Schedule 4 week on / 2 weeks off
Working week: 6 days /week 10 hours / day
Flights, Transport from and to the airports, Visa, Health Certificate,
Vaccinations, Accomodation, Meals are all paid.

Contract will be for 18 month with probaly with a follow-up project.

The supervisors need to be able to supervise teams of workers on deck! Their
work will be 80% in the field and 20% in the office.

The assistent Commissioning Manager has to be a strong personality that can live
up to the expectations of the Commissioning Manager.

All communication (work instruction, (toolbox) meetings, email etc. will all be
in English)

If the English is not really sufficient, it has no use to propose or apply.

Please send your application to wise_anugerah@yahoo.co.id with detailed resume
and put job title name on subject email