• You should have a rock solid PHP knowledge. Even better, knows CodeIgniter inside out or any other similar frameworks.
• You should understand MySQL to the fullest extend. We like programmers that knows how to create 10 joins query but still manage to run in sub 20 ms.
• Any backgrounds and any education with any length of experiences. But you better be passionate about programming and self-proclaim yourselves as geek!
That's it! All of the above is MANDATORY. If you have at least one of the below capabilities, then you have a bigger chance of getting hired!
• (X)HTML proficient. At least capable of consistently implement HTML codes made by our web designer.
• CSS god. Know your stuff. Even better, HTML5.
• Javascript proficient. If you know how to implement complex Jquery or Google Maps API, then you are hired!
• Can work in a team as well as work solitarily.
• Fast and effective coding. Understand OOP. Writes at least 12K LoC per month.
• Having a standard of not just plain 'good', but 'great'! You will be working in an environment where excellence is expected.
• We are implementing extreme programming methodologies. If you don't like constant changes, dynamic pivots, likes to implement crazy and unbelievable ideas, then you are not fit for this.
Our office is located at KS. Tubun, Slipi, Jakarta. If those criteria matches you, then send your CV with the latest photo to hrd [at] tiket.com. Don't forget to add PHPPROGRAMMER in the subject of your email. Write down your portfolios in the email too. If you are not in Jakarta, we can do video chat interview.
Psst... You will be working with the people that brought you urbanesia.com, tasterous.com, fimela.com, bouncity.com, hemat.com, lintasberita.com, golfnesia.com, wayangforce.com and many awesome startups.