Kamis, 01 September 2011

VACANCY : Head of Harapan Resource Centre, Knowlege Management Officer, Forest Resource Management Specialist, Communication and Outreach Specialist @ Burung Indonesia (BirdLife Indonesia Association)

Burung Indonesia (BirdLife Indonesia Association) is the Indonesian partner of BirdLife International - a global partnership of conservation organizations that strives to conserve birds, their habitats, and global biodiversity. It was established on 15 July 2002, as an independent Indonesian non-government organisation, after working for 10 years as the program office of BirdLife International in Indonesia.

Burung Indonesia is developing a Resource Centre in Harapan Rainforest.  Located in Jambi and South Sumatera, Harapan Rainforest is a 100,000 ha ecosystem restoration concession and it is the first project in Indonesia to be implemented under an ecosystem restoration licence, allowing the management of production forest for restoration rather than logging.

Burung Indonesia invites qualified individuals to submit their interest for the following positions by sending CV to: recruit@burung.org on  26 August  2011 at the latest.  Please note that all positions will be based in Harapan Rainforest but with approximately 30% of the time spent in Burung Indonesia’s Bogor office.

1.         Head of Harapan Resource Centre (HRC)
Knowledge and skills about knowledge management processes, infrastructures, and principles;  Proven leadership qualities, training, communication and negotiation skills; and  Good project management experience.

Main tasks:
·      Coordinate knowledge development  team in the Resource Centre;
·      Design knowledge management strategy;
·      Oversee implementation of knowledge management system;
·      Train and educate staff and other stakeholders on use of the knowledge management system, and provide and/or facilitate ongoing support for users of the system;
·      Willing to stay in the field for a long period of time.

University degree in social sciences, information or similar skills. At least 5 years of relevant working experience.

2.         Knowlege Management Officer (KMO)
Demonstrated  experience  in  developing  and managing  databases  and  information systems well as in training users in using the information systems; Working knowledge in designing and analysing data and survey questionnaires; Working knowledge in maintaining web site.

Main tasks:
·       Implement and monitor knowledge management strategy in the resource centre;
·       Capture, document and analyze assets;
·       Design and coordinate capacity building for field staff;
·       Oversees the development of database and information management;
·       Willing to stay in the field for a long period of time.

University degree in communication, information, education or similar skills. At least 5 years of relevant working experience.

3.        Forest Resource Management Specialist (FRMS)
Thorough knowledge of multiple use forest resource management, protection and conservation; Proven technical skills in production forest resource management; Considerable knowledge of forest rehabilitation and restoration and forestry regulations; Extensive experience with community agroforestry management and business; Familiar with forest-climate issues.

Main tasks:
·       Provide inputs in the planning and administration of  forest restoration programs such as, but not limited to: forest inventory, silviculture, fire protection, insect and disease protection, forest rehabilation and reforestation;
·       Coordinates and assists in the administration and conduct of research, and other projects;
·       Documents knowledge and experience based on the forestry operation;
·       Involved in developing training programs for field staff;
·       Willing to stay in the field for a long period of time.

Degree in forestry and considerable professional experience in forest resources management; or any equivalent combination of training and experience. At least 5 years of relevant working experience.

4.       Communication and Outreach Specialist (COS)
Experienced in design and production of  awareness/promotion materials; Experience in developing public awareness and outreach campaigns; Experience in report and content writing, design and production of  awareness/promotion materials; Experience in developing public awareness and outreach programs; Experience in managing media activities, and press releases.

Main tasks:
·       Develops clear written content for technical and non-technical audiences for use on the program website and within print materials;
·       Manages the development and editing of high quality written materials including lesson learnt, factual stories, publications, press releases, pitch letters, Q & As, and other communications materials in cooperation with relevant units and job holders;
·       Monitors  and evaluates the effectiveness of communication strategy and provides recommendations for  adjusting the strategy as necessary.

Bachelor of Arts degree, preferably in Communications, Journalism, or a PR related discipline. Minimum 4 years experience, with  development experience required.

Burung Indonesia
Jl. Dadali No. 32,
BOGOR 16161
Telp. +62 251 8357 222
Fax. +62 251 8357 961